Post date: 2024/08/30
MSW Charging
Post date: 2022/09/29
生態瓶盆景工作坊 Terrarium Workshop
[Action] Creativity Lab is organizing a Terrarium Workshop to help students reduce stress in the process of designing bonsai plants by using the beneficial characteristics of green plants. Using fern, foliage...
Post date: 2021/02/18
Introducing new student conveners of c!ab 2024
[Event] Halo 大家好!👋 我地係2024-25年度既C!ab幹事會🙆‍♂️ 同往年一樣,C!ab希望可以讓咁多位宜孫學生同staff透過參加我哋搞嘅活動,利用C!ab嘅資源發揮Creativity同埋Be Real! 我哋今年既主題係CReality,而我哋亦都準備咗好多唔同嘅活動俾大家參加!跟住落嚟我哋就會介紹下我哋嘅莊員,到時記住留意我哋嘅post 啦!🫵🏻 The student c...