c!ab 2022 呈獻:「電子版手寫信活動」Handwritten Postcard Online Activity


無論係咩煩惱,我哋都想同你分擔!快啲填google form同我哋分享啦heart



細細聲話你聽,我哋仲會因應你既分享,送出不同禮物為你打打氣,呢啲禮物都係我哋 c!ab莊員為大家準備。如果鐘意睇書,你可以參加埋我哋嘅抽獎環節,有機會得到心理學書籍一本♥📚


禮物數量有限,大家快啲去google form 分享你嘅煩惱啦俾一個機會自己抒發下積積埋埋嘅感受~

Google Form 連結:https://forms.gle/a952UFSG7vm6i4YC6




同學可在google form寫下筆名,並留下email telegram username 方便回信


我們會根據同學留下的分享送出禮物,而 c!ab 擁有最終決定權,恕不回覆不認真留言



c!ab is now conducting a new event “Handwritten Postcard Online Activity” ♥📮


Would you consider talking to someone about your recent worries and concerns?


We have patient listeners here in c!ab to talk about your worries in a form of handwritten postcard. Also, we will include a sentence from “Book of Answers” to provide another perspective to your trouble!


As you share your recent troubles with us, you will also receive gifts prepared by our committee members that echo to the nature of your troubles🎉🎁You may also join our giveaway in winning a psychology book about life (Chinese version).


Please don’t hesitate and share your worries with us in the google form (link in bio!) It’s a great chance for you to spill it all out!


Google Form Link: https://forms.gle/a952UFSG7vm6i4YC6


*This event is only limited to students of Wu Yee Sun College

*Only c!ab committee members who are in charge of this event can view your response in google form. Your contact information will only be used for mailing gifts.

*Please leave your pen name in the google form, along with your email or telegram username for us to send you back the postcard

*You can choose to have your stories shared to c!ab IG stories and c!ab website or not. We will make sure that they stay anonymous and will only be used for encouraging other followers who may have encountered similar issues.

*We will send out gifts according to the nature of your troubles. c!ab owns the final decision and does not accept any incomprehensible or frivolous responses.

*We will try our best to reply to the responses in the google form. We apologize for the inability to respond when the sets of responses in the google form exceed 30.
