Extra Hook


市面上的挂钩不适用于伍宜孙书院的书架桌板,因为书架桌板侧壁太窄,普通挂钩需要较大受力面积。Extra Hook很好地解决了这个问题。三面受力原理使Extra Hook可以牢固于面板上并可以根据面板厚度进行针对性的设计。Extra Hook的使用不仅可以充分利用宿舍书架本会被浪费的空间,使房间更加温馨美观、井井有条,营造家的氛围,还可以方便我们拿取物品,为学校的学习生活提供了诸多便利。

WYS General Education


bernard's picture
This will allow others to understand what user experience problem you're trying to address in real life situation. Examples are very important.
bernard's picture
Can you describe the potential use of this hook with visual images of how it looks in your room with other fixtures and things?