Introducing new student conveners of c!ab 2024


Halo 大家好!👋
同往年一樣,C!ab希望可以讓咁多位宜孫學生同staff透過參加我哋搞嘅活動,利用C!ab嘅資源發揮Creativity同埋Be Real!
我哋今年既主題係CReality,而我哋亦都準備咗好多唔同嘅活動俾大家參加!跟住落嚟我哋就會介紹下我哋嘅莊員,到時記住留意我哋嘅post 啦!🫵🏻

The student conveners of Creativity Laboratory 2024 (from left to right)

Chief Convenor Arts & Culture 陳泳臻 Chan Adrian Adrian
Executive Entrepreneurship 李智樂 Li Chi Lok James
Designer Design & Thinking 馮雋睎 FUNG Chauncey Chun-hei Curtis
陳思妍 Chan Sze Yin Stephenie
Social Media Administrator Entrepreneurship 沈芷翹 Shum Tsz Kiu Natalie
Arts & Culture 葉卓憧 Ip Cheuk Tung Kary
General Affairs Officer Socio-political 王姚雯 Wong Iu Man Sophie
Promotion 周俊廷 Chow Chun Ting Thomas 
Space Management Science & Technology 林俊傑 Lam Chun Kit Jeremy
Treasurer 廖穎婷 Liu Wing Ting Angela

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