網站開發 -- 下集

Source of picture: Intel Free Press (Creative Commons License)
Web Development Workshop --- Part B (網站開發 -- 下集): 星期一晚上(7pm to 10pm) 在C!ab舉行。
HTML/CSS/JS 是甚麼?教你網站開發,用手機,pad,同desktop睇都咁正?還有下集會教你起database跟網站連線,同免費有自己網站。想知點整,嚟睇下咪 知囉!Want to know more about web development that can display content equally well to mobile, pad, and desktop? Come and join us! Also, we'll show you how to build your own website for free that the whole world can see.
HTML/CSS/JS 是甚麼?教你網站開發,用手機,pad,同desktop睇都咁正?還有下集會教你起database跟網站連線,同免費有自己網站。想知點整,嚟睇下咪 知囉!Want to know more about web development that can display content equally well to mobile, pad, and desktop? Come and join us! Also, we'll show you how to build your own website for free that the whole world can see.