
Some firms are providing some discount to promote sales. However, with common practice of retailers like bundle sale, not all of the customers meet the discount requirement. We would like to provide a platform so that customers can match each other, and enjoy the discount together – buy together (BUY-GETHER).
Sunny Passion Programme

We would like to create an app as the platform. We will create a database for some large shops in major shopping malls (and may extend to some other shops in future). The app will identify the location of the customer, and list out the shops nearby. The customer can then enter the corresponding shop chatgroup, post a message specifying the product he/she wants to buy and the discount requirement, and see if he/she can match other customers nearby. If the match succeeds, one of the customers can buy the corresponding products first, enjoy the discount, and finally share the discounted payment among themselves.
There are some group-buying channels online already. However, such kind of operation does not allow customers to examine the product they would like to buy, but just make the decision by referencing the photos and descriptions. Also, not all shops are providing group-buying, and the products on group-buying websites may not necessarily suit the taste of the customers. Buy-Gether allows customers to enjoy a discount in various shops and products, with a higher confidence level of the quality of the product.
Benefits of customers:

  1. Enjoy a discount when shopping, by getting rid of bundle sales, consumers increase in consumer surplus as a whole
  2. Higher variety of products available to customers, especially the disadvantaged group

Benefits of firms:

  1. Increase sales volume
  2. Increase market share