CU Umbrella 在雨天迅速找到雨傘!


香港的天氣經常會突然下雨,萬一某一天沒有帶雨傘出門轉堂的時候突然下雨,好狼狽!沒有認識的同學借你一把傘?認識的帶傘的同學恰好不順路?這裡有一個App——CU Umbrella,see your umbrella!

Campus Life
eg: Location: WMY 5F  Destination: WYS College
帶了雨傘的同學下課之後想把自己的雨傘分享給一個沒有帶傘的同學,也可以打CU Umbrella,輸入自己的地點和要去的地方,如果兩個同學在一個地方並且要去相同的地方,CU Umbrella就會亮起燈讓兩個人相互聯繫,確定地點之後分享雨傘。


1155061952's picture
同學們可以用自己照片作為頭像相互辨認,或者在配對成功之後CU Umbrella變成對講機,讓他們相互找到。
bernard's picture

Nonetheless, umbrella sharing is a good idea. But you have to think about other issues related to sharing. For example, how can the two students confirm the identity of the other party and what if the person doesn't show up or late to the meet-up.

bernard's picture

Use your creativity to select a picture from here: to visualize the problem mentioned above. Actually, you may want to spend more time understanding the problem and conducting required research to validate your hypothesis before jumping into a solution. As a start, this is quite good. Continue your study!