We are a group of students with passion to promote health and green awareness in the community. We have created a mobile game (Healthie) that provides incentives for the public, to stay away from sedentary lifestyle. The app begins by illustrating a tragic story of a pet that is unable to live a healthy life because of inadequate exercise, in the form of comics. It then asks the player to revert the life of the pet by breeding it from a small pet egg. Walking steps of the players can be exchanged for points to buy pet food for their virtual pets, so that the pets can evolve.
Market needs
“Healthie” is mainly a simple leisure gaming app, which mainly targets at both adolescents and elderly. We notice that Hong Kong people have a relatively smaller living space, not allowing the raising of pets in many houses. With Healthie being a cute virtual pet, it can act as a perfect companion for adolescents and elderly people to build up a healthy urban lifestyle. Also, Healthie has a simple user interface and players can interact with Healthie with just a few simple clicks. Thus, the app will be easy to master even for non-tech-savvy people like the elderly.
There are many health apps available, but the calories and foot-counts data are numbers which do not interact with the users, making it difficult to encourage players to continue their exercise habits. Meanwhile, in our app, players need to use their steps to “purchase” food for Healthies, thus it motivates users to walk longer distances than similar apps. Rather than having complicated rules, we want to keep the user interface (UI) of our game simpler and more manageable for users with different backgrounds. We attract players by placing adorable graphics or even simple animations. In the long run, to maintain a self-sustainability of the business, we might create a premium version the app, with more functions and graphics, so that our loyal players can provide financial support to our business. We would make use of the capital to further improve the app.
Benefits of the business idea
"Healthie" helps encourage players to walk more in daily life, so as to establish a regular exercising habit. As a simple leisure gaming app, “Healthie” targets at both adolescents and elderly. We notice that Hong Kong people have a relatively smaller living space, not allowing the raising of pets in many houses. With Healthie being a cute virtual pet, it can act as a perfect companion for adolescents and elderly people to build up a healthy urban lifestyle. Also, Healthie has a simple user interface and players can interact with Healthie with just a few simple clicks. Thus, the app will be easy to master even for non-tech-savvy people like the elderly. A regular exercising habit, in the long run, helps reduce the risk of obesity and cardiovascular diseases. This project is not only for leisure purpose, but also for conveying educational values to our users and the community. We plan to include more health information into our promotional campaigns and also on our social media platform. By doing so, more people can reach useful health tips.
Moreover, some of us are medical students. We have always been finding ways to serve the community and contribute to the public health of our city. Therefore, this project can give us a great sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.
Promoting health and green awareness in the community is a wonderful and meaningful idea! It must be a big project if your team would like to implement your proposal in the near future. Hence, I am a bit worried about whether there are enough CS students and designers to bear the workload as most of your pictures of animals are copied from canvas now.
—“I am not…” Team
A very attractive and interesting project!