Leaf It to Us: The Green Carnival 記「綠」前行嘉年華


Event Overview

"Leaf It to Us: The Green Carnival" is an exciting initiative aimed at promoting sustainability and eco- conscious living among students and the local community. "Leaf It to Us," meaning "leave it to us," highlights that as Generation Z, the responsibility for our planet is in our hands—it's time for us to take action and care for our world.

Rance Lee Award

This event will feature a range of booths offering hands-on activities, such as soap making, clothing renewal, and yoga workshops. These interactive experiences are designed to equip participants with practical knowledge, skills, and innovative approaches to green living, health, and well-being.
Furthermore, we will invite local secondary schools and universities to participate, thereby fostering environmental awareness among younger generations. By uniting diverse community members, the Green Carnival aspires to inspire collaborative efforts toward a more sustainable future. 


1155193364's picture

Interesting, hope to see this in Wys college