Life Redesign


Bootstrap workshops that use design thinking methods to re-imagine your life, address life's wicked problems and design a more fruitful life and career.

Sunny Passion Programme


  • To provide career and life planning consultations for teenagers who would like to get help in searching their meaning of life and career direction.

  • Building a learning community that helps people along their life journey. 


(1)  What social issue / problem will the project tackle?

According to Youth in Hong Kong – A Statistical Profile, youths between (15-29) are not devoted to their jobs. Only 38.8% interviewed youths think that they are devoted to their jobs and only 33% interviewed youths think that they feel their job is filled with meaning and goals. Youths do not find the meaning of work and this is the problem we try to address.

(2)  How is the project different from other projects addressing the same social issue / problem?

Unlike existing projects or approaches in the market, we apply Design Thinking to address life’s wicked problems and design more fulfilling and coherent lives together. We will go through hands-on workshops and series of exercises to look inwards and find out what matters most to their and prototype new life directions.

Also, we will use what we learnt and the methods of the Stanford University’s famous “Designing your Life” course in this project. One of our teammates actually went to the US and took this course. And the outcome of this course is proved to be very successful.

[Youtube Video] - Designing Your Life | Bill Burnett | TEDxStanford

(3)  Who will benefit if the project is implemented?

- Wu Yee Sun College’s students
- CUHK’s students
- Youths referred by NGOs or other schools, especially under-privileged youths and students


#Sunny Passion

Sheldon Au Yeung, Elaine Yu


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This is our opinion about this idea. The idea is slightly broad. There are already well-established platforms for career searching such as LinkedIn. Moreover, CUHK has already provided many job opportunities and workshop.