計劃的理念是推廣新興運動及 「One For All」 的精神,並以新興運動達到社會共融,同時培育更多關心社會且具行動力的青年義工領袖。透過自身的經驗,推廣各類新興運動予中、小學生,特別是年青人——宜孫人及中大人。讓大家認識新興運動不只是運動,也可讓社會更和諧更共融,更可以推展至「傳仁」運動。未來希望新興運動能夠普及化,最終夢想是成立新興運動義工領袖協會,舉辦不同的培訓工作坊及社區服務,培養青年人成為俱備良好品格、愛心及領導力的領袖。同時計劃屬持續性,將帶領現屆領袖指導新一屆參與者,既能發揮所學,亦能傳播愛心,貢獻社區。新興運動社區盉以競賽活動增強大家對健康的重視,建立對社區的歸屬感。
The concept of the project is to promote emerging sports and the spirit of "One For All", to achieve social inclusion by newsports, and to cultivate more young volunteer leaders who care about society and are motivated to take action. I would like to promote emerging sports to primary and secondary school students, especially young people including the Sunnies and CUHK students with my experience. Allowing public to understand that emerging sports are not just sports, they can make society more harmonious and inclusive, and also help promote building up regular exercise habits and healthy lifestyle. In the future, I hope that the emerging sports will be popularized. My ultimate dream is to establish the Newsports Volunteer Leaders Association to organize different training workshops and community services to train young people to become leaders with good character, love and leadership. At the same time, the program is ongoing and allow the leaders to guide the new participants, so they can apply what have learnt and also spread love and contribute to the community.
“One for All” (優義傳城)
Rance Lee Award
Yu Sui Hang, Angela