SOCs' Mall 傳薈



Sunny Passion Programme

Only in CUHK, there are a total of 159 registered associations holding different activities for students every year. Printing posters, banners and promoting through social media are almost a must for every society. Committee members may have faced similar problems while organizing activities, including low transmission rate, complex procedures. On the other hand, students may be exposed to overloaded information. Recognizing that printing one-time posters create paper wastage and be environmentally unfriendly to the environment, a centralized platform for doing promotion in university is introduced—SOCs’ Mall.
SOCs’ Mall
SOC’s Mall is an app introduced for two groups of stakeholders: Users ad Promoters.
There are several functions provided in SOCs’ Mall. Every user has to register an account. At the bottom of the screen, there are four functions: Home, Favorite, Categories, and Calendar.  HOME PAGE showcases the upcoming activities and brief introduction. For activities interested, users can add it into FAVOURITE. For convenient, users can search activities by CATEGORIES or through a CALENDAR. 
 In operation, promoters can make good use of SOCs’ Mall in promoting and updating the latest activities through SOCs’ Mall, recruiting new participants and receiving feedback from users. On the other hand, due to massive activities organized, users may not be able to have a whole picture of the activities and may therefore miss the chance in participating. Now, with SOC’s Mall, users can read the entire activities posted, no matter from school or societies, noticing and registering everything they are interested with SOCs’ Mall. With SOCs’ Mall app installed, students can promote and receive latest promotion in a more convenient and eco-friendly way.