To create a platform that connects students interested in changing their majors with experienced student buddies who have successfully navigated similar transitions or are currently studying the desired major, providing personalized advice, guidance, and insights to help candidates make informed decisions and achieve a smoother transition in their academic journey.
The target buddies for our platform are divided into four distinct groups to cater to the diverse needs of students seeking guidance. The first group consists of individuals who have transferred to the same major the candidate is interested in, providing direct and relevant advice based on their shared academic path. The second group includes students currently studying the major the candidate wants to transfer to, offering valuable insights into the program’s structure, challenges, and opportunities. The third group comprises individuals with experience in transferring majors, who can guide candidates through the technicalities and emotional aspects of the transfer process. Lastly, the fourth group includes peers who have no prior experience with transferring majors but are also looking to make a change, creating a supportive network where candidates can share experiences, collaborate, and encourage one another. This categorization ensures tailored support for students at every stage of their transfer journey.