WYS Racing-Team


Objectives: To popularize e-sports racing in society through different schools, NGOs, and

government institutions, raising public awareness by holding regular experience

events, competitions, and sim-racing academy.

Sunny Passion Programme

Hong Kong lacks variety in sports, let alone e-sports. There are limited

options for the community to choose from. This project will serve the

purpose to introduce a new kind of sports into society, increasing the

diversity of Hong Kong’s sports, popularize e-sports in Hong Kong, giving

more options for people to learn and get their interest. Discover more

talents in Hong Kong and get e-sports to be recognized as an official sport

in Hong Kong. Ultimately, establish e-sports as a new industry in Hong

Kong and at last increasing the diversity and competitiveness of Hong Kong



Our project stands out from other new sports addressing this same issue

through two main differentiators: First, the simulators for e-sports are

improving and evolving with the rapidly growing technology. Then, e-

sports racing in Hong Kong actually already had a few very successful

people that are ready to teach and coach the up-coming talents.

Firstly, the simulators improve with new technologies keep people’s level

of interest high. When they first get into this sport, they will be amazed by

the simulator’s real-ness. After they get used to that feeling, they will seek

more realism. To maintain their interest in this sports, daily-advancing

technology comes in clutch. More advanced simulation gears are being

invented and sold every season to keep people interested and at the same

time attracts more people to get into this sport.

Secondly, with some successful examples and instructors ready in this new

sports can give sufficient support and confidence for the hidden talents to

have success in a sport and could even represent Hong Kong in Olympics

E-sports Games.

Target Audiences: 

Participants: They will not only gain more knowledge and skills in both

sim-racing and real-life driving, they could enhance their quality of life

through having more diverse hobbies to enrich their non-material life.

Community: The project fosters a sense of Wu Yee Sun College or CUHK

community connection and engagement. We could hold this project

every year and make it into a new tradition in WYS and CUHK.

Quinten Yeung