Description: 不知道大家日常生活中有沒有使用scanner的經驗? 在中大 , scanner數目非常少 , 到圖書館時經常都不能使用scanner 使用scanner時又需接駁電線及電腦 , 十分不方便 有沒有想過 , 如果scanner可以有wifi傳送圖片等功能 , 又可以隨身攜帶 , 讓工務繁忙的你可以容易使用? Life Hacks cool Add My Idea Let's Do That Log in to post comments Comments bernard Fri, 01/23/2015 - 13:03 Can you update your idea with a picture that can help illustrate the problem? Log in to post comments
Can you update your idea with a picture that can help illustrate the problem?