Hello Sunnies, this is 5suggest5buy! Our project composes of two members from Wu Yee Sun College, and we hope we can bring something different that you have never seen before. Our project name means “we recommend you to try our products” in Chinese. We produce 100% original and creative products to enhance the well-being of teenagers in Hong Kong. We also create customizable products to suit individual needs upon request. What’s more, we provide a platform for teenagers in Hong Kong to exchange their ideas on making craftwork, and boost the creative industry in Hong Kong.

Under the pandemic, people are overwhelmed by pressure from family, school, work, society and life plans. It is noticed that many people only focused on their physical health, especially on protection against COVID-19. However, mental well-being is often neglected. Online classes, unemployment, COVID-19 restrictions implemented by the government, fear of being infected… These are all problems faced by Hong Kongers, especially teenagers. In addition, we can see that Hong Kong people often choose the most affordable options during purchases, so the creative industry is often neglected.
Our vision
We hope our products can bring good luck and positive vibes to cheer people up. This kind of products are hardly found in the Hong Kong market. We believe that teenagers of this generation have numerous ideas, but they are hardly recognized. Therefore, we would offer personalized and customizable products that suit individual customer’s needs upon request. We will also donate part of our profits to mental health NGOs such as Mental Health Foundation and Mind HK to help more people who are suffering from mental health issues.
Who will benefit?
Teenagers who are suffering from mental health problems can get some hope and positive vibes after purchasing our products. Also, the profits donated to mental health NGOs can allow more financial resources to be allocated to tackle their problems. We can also raise the awareness and boost the creative industry in Hong Kong. In addition, we are very eager entrepreneurs who are very happy to see our brand being supported and grow. Every time someone expresses his or her admiration towards our brand or even purchases our products, we are very satisfied. Therefore, we are also highly benefitted if our business can keep running.
Thanks for your likes and support
We are very honoured to see hundreds of people supporting our brand at the moment. During our first event: WYS Sunny Festival on 18/11/2021, we are very happy to see people from different disciplines to support us, including our College Master Professor Chan and Associate Master Professor Lai. It is still unbelievable for us to have made a profit of $2966 in just 4 hours.
After the 2021 WYS Sunny Festival, we also gained a lot of support from our online customers. We made a total of $4563 profits from Dec 2021-Feb 2022, making a sum of $7529 profits by the time of 7/2/2022 in our project.
Up to 7/2/2022, we have 542 followers on our Instagram page @5suggest5buy and we have sold over 150 keychains. Other products such as tote bags, hoodies, stickers and postcards also gained a lot of fans! These all would not happen without the support from you! We are truly grateful of what we have in just 4 months, and we would do our best to grow our project and bring more benefit to our dear friends in society.
Where to find us?
Instagram: @5suggest5buy
Your design is really cute! However, the effect on mental health and bringing positive vibe is relatively uncertain compared to other projects. You may modify your proposal to match the theme more. For instance, as you have mentioned “Platform for exchanging creative ideas”. Other than self-customizing the product, you may launch a workshop and teach them about the skill and share about your journey on developing the products.
—“I am not…” Team
very creative idea!can't wait to see the new products!