“Every act matters (EAM)” highlights the fact that all our acts would affect our environment and mitigation of climate change can be done progressively with concerted efforts of all acts of us.
Long discussion on climate change may have provide people with the basic knowledge of the causes and ways of mitigation. Yet, understandings do not guarantee actual changes in lifestyles or efforts in improving the environment, owing to various reasons like insufficient incentives or motivation.
Our project “Every Act Matters” (EAM), is to address the gap between knowledge and taking actions to mitigate climate change. Upholding our motive EAM, our project itself is to shape the environment indirectly by motivating or reminding people to take actions to gather greater efforts in society.
Our Work
Game-based learning is adopted to convey messages of the importance and urgency of everyone taking actions to mitigate climate change. A number of games are designed to allow participants to discover issues or situations embedded; and to gain understandings not only on facts of the issues but also what we can do to respond through solving various challenges in the games.
To start off, room-escaping games would be featured as an more attractive means to attract participants. Development of games in other formats, for instance, city hunts, orienteering events and outdoor camps, would be in due course aiming to attract more participants with different preferences.
Our Uniqueness
New approach. Unlike common methods in addressing environmental issues such as videos, talks, advertisements, which are mostly one-way, our project is to educate our participants with a creative and interesting approach by designing games for them to experience the causes and effects of climate change. Game-based learning is utilized to promote the urgency and importance of environmental issues.
Through participation, it is hoped that awareness of participants on the importance of everyday actions regarding protection of our planet can be raised. Ultimately, participants is to realize the message of “every act matters” (EAM): little everyday acts can pose great impacts.
Benefit Population
Different individuals can adopt the actions educated in the games to their real life. People who contribute to save our environment will eventually help saving every creatures.
Remember: Every act matters and everyone will benefit !
I think the whole idea is meaningful that it encourages people to take actions instead of just knowing how to save the earth. However, I doubt it's effectiveness as some campaigns organized by the CLP (中電)seems to be more diveresed and effective, for example they have "power your love" which encourages consumers to save energy so that they can save bills as well as transfer the saved amount of energy to the needy, also they have "green studio", in which they have a mobile truck travelling to differernt schools and community centers around the city to offer 4D video games and interactive digital games to educate the young generation the importance of energy saving.
Therefore, I think the whole idea and the initiative is really good, but I suggest you to take reference from the ideas of the CLP or other environmental protecting organizations to offer more exciting campaigns and activities to the public.