Action: Workshops

生態瓶盆景工作坊 Terrarium Workshop

Creativity Lab is organizing a Terrarium Workshop to help students reduce stress in the process of designing bonsai plants by using the beneficial characteristics of green plants. Using fern, foliage and mini figures to build a plant terrarium. And learn plant care with...


除了體驗式活動外,活動更加插了創業講座的環節,很榮幸能邀請到@loveycathyhk 的店主Cathy作為嘉賓和導師,講解創業路上的困難和過程,口金包的服飾潮流發展,以及帶領及指導參加者製作口金包。

「創業講座及口金包」工作坊 的詳情如下:


First 3D Workshop for GE - Part A Completed

Our first 3D Workshop - Part A for GE completed tonight. We had a fun night with nearly 20 first year students showing up for our session. They did a good job in making their first paper and digital models in 3D. Thanks to Cindy and Jerry for contributing the time to act as...

3D Paper and Digital Model Workshop

Students came to our workshop and had a great time flexing their muscles building 3D paper and digital models. I wonder when we'll see the next Philip Starck or Frank Gehry? If you want to learn more about 3D digital model design, SketchUp is a good start. Here...

Responsive Web Development Workshop (part 2)

Source of above picture: Intel Free Press (Creative Commons License)
Part B of our web development workshop was completed yesterday night (26th January, 2015). Thanks for coming! We'll continue to host similar workshops in the future to cover both basic and more...

Responsive Web Development Workshop (part 1)

Source of above picture: Intel Free Press (Creative Commons License)
Our first responsive web development workshop (part 1) is scheduled tonight starting at 7pm. Responsive Web Development Workshop (Part 1) aims to provide basic introduction to HTML, CSS, and Javascript,...