Idea: Sunny Passion Programme
Every Act Matters!Our Work Game-based learning is adopted to convey messages of the importance and urgency of everyone taking actions to mitigate climate change. A number of games are designed to allow participants to discover issues or situations embedded; and to gain understandings not... |
Easiotherapy: An app to promote occupational health職業勞損不但影響工作的效率,更需要大量金錢和時間診斷和治療,我們希望透過此應用程式,推廣未雨綢繆的概念,並達致用戶每天只需花幾分鐘時間,便能預防因重覆工作而造成的職業病及勞損的效果。 1 people think this is cool! |
Super handbill boxProduct advantages It is reader-friendly since it will make handbills easier and more tidy for students to read. No handbill would fall to the floor. Smaller and cheaper than the handbill board. Handbill paper can be easily collected and recycled. The... 1 people think this is cool! |
香城郵局 City MailboxHow is the project different from other projects tackling the same social issue / problem? 與其他既有的項目有何不同之處 以下為各個現有機構的比較: 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 主要工作:舉辦教育及社區參與活動 可取之處:積極提倡保育歷史、文化 缺乏之處:較為單向 / 受眾或缺乏輸出 香港郵政 主要工作:於聖誕節期間有免費回信活動 可取之處:會回信到海外 缺乏之處:缺乏本地特色 / ... |
Re-ValueObservation Solid waste problem is prevailing in Hong Kong, mainly attributed to city’s affluence and consumerism culture. Cursed by materialistic gratification, we purchase impulsively without assessing our needs. The value of good drops drastically after purchase... |
PlayPark 嬉憩園Hong Kong is a city of hustle and bustle where people highly emphasize efficiency and competitiveness. However, this leads to apathy among citizens, meaning that interactions among people are rare. At the same time, we noticed that the original designs of those parks or... |
Equaltour社會問題 根據世界衛生組織,殘疾(disability)表示在一個或多個層面的人體機能(human functioning)出現失能情況,包括身體功能及結構(body function and structure)、個人的活動(activity)能力或 / 及參與(participation)實際生活情境的能力。在香港,據統計處2013年的專題報告顯示,本港殘疾人士約58萬人,普遍率為8.1%,當中佔最多的是身體活動能力受限制人士,其次為視障及聽障人士。本港殘疾人士主要遇上兩大問題,一為就業機會不足,統計處2013年資料顯示,... |
伍在野Environmental issues like global warming are becoming more and more serious. One of the main reasons causing global warming is the eating habits of human beings. With a large supply of meat to fulfill the demand, the emission problem of greenhouse gases will be worsened. To... |
Humans Of Hong Kong除了參考Humans of New York的運作模式外,我們祈求有所突破,除了讓網上平台連結不同社區的香港人外,更做到推廣本地非牟利機構(NGO)的目的。我們計劃與本地較少人認識的非牟利機構接觸,或跟隨他們進行日常工作,從負責人,義工甚至受惠對象中收集小故事,於同一個網站發佈,除了可令更多香港人認識他們外,更能推廣他們未來的義工活動,甚至為活動眾籌經費。 |
週「宜」市集 FlYEE MarketThe meaning of FlYEE Market -It is held once a month on a Tuesday late-afternoon -Pronounced the same as 'flea market' with the '-ea' replaced by 'Yee' of Wu Yee Sun What does the FlYEE Market include? 1. Stalls (simple set-up without use of... |