All Ideas

菲來飛去 I believe I can fly

Objective(s): To encourage students to engage with social issues by starting with their own campus community. Through the sharing of disposable cameras, students will capture moments that reflect the social challenges and stories within their university, fostering...
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Sunny Passion Programme 2024/25

To differentiate our brand in the eco-friendly phone case market, we have devised a plan to produce high-quality coffee ground phone cases with stylish designs. Given our familiarity with CUHK and WYSO students, we will strategically design our products to meet their needs...

Trans科易/The Lost Compass– Find Your Buddies, Find Your Future

The target buddies for our platform are divided into four distinct groups to cater to the diverse needs of students seeking guidance. The first group consists of individuals who have transferred to the same major the candidate is interested in, providing direct and relevant...


WYS Racing-Team

Hong Kong lacks variety in sports, let alone e-sports. There are limited

options for the community to choose from. This project will serve the

purpose to introduce a new kind of sports into society, increasing the

diversity of Hong Kong’s sports, popularize e-...
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Leaf It to Us: The Green Carnival 記「綠」前行嘉年華

This event will feature a range of booths offering hands-on activities, such as soap making, clothing renewal, and yoga workshops. These interactive experiences are designed to equip participants with practical knowledge, skills, and innovative approaches to green...
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GREEN DREAM is a transformative and innovative six-week initiative designed to empower secondary school students with insights into business and sustainable development. It is an all-in-one experience, from insights and understanding to discovery and real implications. Our...
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'Melodies of Love' --- Music is the universal language

“Music is the universal language.”
This quote has always been our team’s belief, thinking that music can be the bridge to connect people from different faculties, majors or even different nations. Viewing the Sunny Living week where the college mainly focus on sports or...
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Voluntary Health Service in Rural Areas


As two medical students in clinical year, we notice the lacking awareness on chronic illness management for some patients, specifically among rising aged population. In addition to various health literacy levels and common multiple chronic diseases these...
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