Curation in Transmedia Storytelling [超媒體的內容策展]
Presentation by Mr. Victor Tsang, Executive Director of PMQ Management Co Ltd at the College Forum held on 27 Feb 2015
Presentation by Mr. Victor Tsang, Executive Director of PMQ Management Co Ltd at the College Forum held on 27 Feb 2015
2月2号,周一 拍照(宣傳欄現狀):覃雨晴
2月4号,周三 问卷设计:赵竟元
模型制作:赵竟元, 张颖博
2月5号,周四 剧本编写:黃瑩
2月6号,周五 Video拍攝:林妍星
演员:覃雨晴, 赵竟元, 黃瑩
2月8号,周日 Video初步后期:林妍星
2月10号,周二 Video后期制作:张颖博, 覃雨晴
2月11号,周三 問卷結果統計分析;ppt製作:何樂彤, 曾焯忻
2月12号,周四 讨论修改ppt, presentation演练:全体
Work done so far:
Thank you for your effort to share your ideas with all of us. It's probably the time you're busy converting your ideas into action. Here I have a few suggestions for you to take into consideration for preparing your final stretch.
alex: ppt制作&课堂pre
Project Background:
During the usage of shampoo, people often find it hard to fully utilize the last bit of shampoo. The common solution is to add water, which often ends up over-liquefying the shampoo.
Project Objective:
To find a better way to fully utilize the final portion of shampoo.
Project Key Processes: