Idea: Coolest

Homester - 大學生的一站式合租平台


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呼吸健康人生—瑜伽結合跆拳道運動 Breath-The Component To Determine Your Life


The objective of this proposal is to introduce an engaging and inclusive activity that combines the benefits of yoga and Taekwondo. This activity aims to provide participants with a unique experience that enhances their physical fitness, mental well-being, and...
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我想 喺書院整個露宿者之家 :0)
地點:喺書院入面搵個似橋底嘅地方 (例如:樓梯底、白色小屋出面)


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SOCs' Mall 傳薈

Only in CUHK, there are a total of 159 registered associations holding different activities for students every year. Printing posters, banners and promoting through social media are almost a must for every society. Committee members may have faced similar...
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Soap Stick Type

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'Melodies of Love' --- Music is the universal language

“Music is the universal language.”
This quote has always been our team’s belief, thinking that music can be the bridge to connect people from different faculties, majors or even different nations. Viewing the Sunny Living week where the college mainly focus on sports or...
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CU Bus——See your bus,一個能看到校巴的App

在每輛校巴上都裝載GPS定位系統,並且在前後門裝上感應器判斷上下車同學數量并得出剩餘座位數。當同學在等車的時候,可以通過CU Bus看到校巴運行位置與剩餘座位數量,判斷自己是步行下山還是等校巴來。

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Leaf It to Us: The Green Carnival 記「綠」前行嘉年華

This event will feature a range of booths offering hands-on activities, such as soap making, clothing renewal, and yoga workshops. These interactive experiences are designed to equip participants with practical knowledge, skills, and innovative approaches to green...
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WYS Racing-Team

Hong Kong lacks variety in sports, let alone e-sports. There are limited

options for the community to choose from. This project will serve the

purpose to introduce a new kind of sports into society, increasing the

diversity of Hong Kong’s sports, popularize e-...
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