Idea: Sunny Passion Programme
WeLeap 社會創業交流Social entrepreneurship is a growing trend in Hong Kong. People are trying to use business to sustain social missions. Despite numerous of funding, technical support is limited especially to those who are not connected with NGOs and incubators. As competitors of social... |
Sportit- Spot it Sportit.2 people think this is cool! |
Discovering Social Media Accessibility-- Does the disabled gain access to social media with ease?Project Title Discovering Social Media Accessibility-- Does the disabled gain access to social media with ease? (1) Topic of study We aim to look into the overall accessibility of social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, specifically for the disabled... |
Buy-GetherStrategy: We would like to create an app as the platform. We will create a database for some large shops in major shopping malls (and may extend to some other shops in future). The app will identify the location of the customer, and list out the shops nearby. The... |
知能互換平台概述:本計劃旨在創立為大學生自主學習知識和技能服務的平台。期望同學們通過自發的知識互換和技能傳授,擴大交際面,增長知識,培養自信心,促進對多元化人才和多樣性人生的認識。 源起:交際與多元化。一來大學生有固定社交圈後,就有保留在社交舒適圈的惰性,放棄或者遺憾錯失與來自不同背景(文化、知識、技巧等層面)的人交流的機會。二來大學生作為曾經的佼佼者,進入大學後很難接受周圍人都非常優秀的心理落差,產生挫敗感,忽略人各有所長和所短,人才是多元化的,人生是多樣性的。 形式:APP/website ... 1 people think this is cool! |
宜加去旅行 Sunny TravelEveryone must have dreamed of travelling for leisure or exploring the world, not to mention that many of us even treat it as our ultimate life goal. Yet, travelling is always constrained by one’s time and financial resources. To the less advantaged people in Hong Kong, it... |
Every Act Matters!Our Work Game-based learning is adopted to convey messages of the importance and urgency of everyone taking actions to mitigate climate change. A number of games are designed to allow participants to discover issues or situations embedded; and to gain understandings not... |
Easiotherapy: An app to promote occupational health職業勞損不但影響工作的效率,更需要大量金錢和時間診斷和治療,我們希望透過此應用程式,推廣未雨綢繆的概念,並達致用戶每天只需花幾分鐘時間,便能預防因重覆工作而造成的職業病及勞損的效果。 1 people think this is cool! |
Super handbill boxProduct advantages It is reader-friendly since it will make handbills easier and more tidy for students to read. No handbill would fall to the floor. Smaller and cheaper than the handbill board. Handbill paper can be easily collected and recycled. The... 1 people think this is cool! |
香城郵局 City MailboxHow is the project different from other projects tackling the same social issue / problem? 與其他既有的項目有何不同之處 以下為各個現有機構的比較: 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 主要工作:舉辦教育及社區參與活動 可取之處:積極提倡保育歷史、文化 缺乏之處:較為單向 / 受眾或缺乏輸出 香港郵政 主要工作:於聖誕節期間有免費回信活動 可取之處:會回信到海外 缺乏之處:缺乏本地特色 / ... |