Idea: Sunny Passion Programme

Sunny Passion Programme-- I am not....

"I am not..."



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健康小精靈 Healthie—a Game to a Healthier Lifestyle

Market needs
“Healthie” is mainly a simple leisure gaming app, which mainly targets at both adolescents and elderly. We notice that Hong Kong people have a relatively smaller living space, not allowing the raising of pets in many houses. With Healthie being a cute virtual...
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CUWeCreate —— A Cultural Creative Platform for CUers

       該計劃名為「CU WE 創」(英文名“CU WE Create”),「CU」是中大的英文縮寫;「WE」是「我們」,寓意中大的本地生、内地生、國際生三個文化群體之間是可以不斷交流、交友的,大家都會願意稱彼此為「我們」;「創」(create)表達了該計劃實現目標的關鍵手段:創作。
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Dad’s Drawers 老竇

What is in "Dad's Drawers"?

Most people throw away the treasure they have at home passed through

generations. We scavenge our Dad's Drawers to help find great value in stuff you

never thought you need, so you get to brag about your inherited wealth -- or

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Book Publication


同行鳥Companion HK


18 至 64 歲精神病/情緒病患者的失業率是 8.1%,是整體人口的失業率 3.4%的 2.4 倍。本港只有兩成精神病康復者從事經濟活動,少於同期全港相關比例的三倍。從事經濟活動人士(包括就業人士及失業人士)只有約 7 萬人,「他們的失業率(6.7%)亦顯著較同齡組別的整體數字(3.7%)高」。


The DEA Project

The Problem We Are Tackling:
80% diabetic Indonesians do not realize they have diabetes as many believe diabetes is solely a genetic disease and are unaware of the causes, symptoms, and prevention methods. Moreover, in Indonesia, there is a high accessibility to...
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180 Degrees Consulting @CUHK 中大社創顧問團隊

Established in 2020, 180 Degrees Consulting@CUHK (180DC@CUHK) is a student-led social consulting association under 180 Degrees Consulting - the largest social consultancy serving socially-conscious organisations around the world. At 180DC@CUHK, we help local social...


#Sunny Passion

Our mission and vision
Vibe to It comprises of two members, and we are devoted to promoting western contemporary music. Hong Kong has long been a place dominated by Cantonese pop music, no double because the language is highly relatable and compatible...

Heirloom Hong Kong